Some people think that you can have only one true friend пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)It is believed that a person can have only one true friend, while some people have an opposite opinion regarding to this topic. What concerns me, I think that a person can have one and only true friend, and I have several reasons to prove my point of view. Firstly, the more friends you have, the bigger the probability is that one or some few of them will eventually betray you, because if someone shares their secrets with too many «friends», they may start spreading and discussing them behind the person's back. Besides, close relationship with one true friend can always ensure support in difficult situations. If two persons are friendly for a long time, there is much more confidence that these friends will help and encourage each other. But still, there are also people whose opinion is the opposite of what was described earlier. They are rather sure that throughout the whole life people change their places of living and meet new fellows in the process that subsequently become person's new friends. Despite all of this, I do not agree with the last point of view. I am strongly sure that true friendship does not depend on distance between two people, regardless how far they are from each other. The only important fact is that this friend is your one and only, irreplaceable and unforgettable. To sum everything up, I would like to emphasize that a person can have only one true and the best friend at a time because real friendship is a thing that rarely happens between more than two persons. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): blodbad Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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