It's wrong to make pupils read all the summer (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)There are heated disputes concerning the problem whether children should or should not read books all the summer along. Due to completely countering differences in opinions, these conversations are becoming ore and more fierce, but there is still no single answer to that question. My opinion is concluded in that children should not spend all of the summer holidays reading books. My first reason to think so is that pupils should take more of different leisure activities to unwind and to relax their developing minds. The second reason is that the children have other things to do besides reading books day and night. The final reason is that pupils should also play with their friends on playground and to communicate with them so they would not have communication problems caused by sitting behind the books. But this opinion happens to have a complete opposite of itself. To begin with, its proponents believe that if children spend too much time playing with friends, they risk becoming dissolute. Finally, pupils should put a lot of attention to reading, which especially concerns senior students whose responsibilities are strongly increased regarding to junior ones, so they must necessarily read books to provide the demanded knowledge. However, it is still considered that pupils, both senior and junior, should not read books all the summer and also do some other activities in order to rest. To conclude what I have said before, I would like to restate once more that reading too much books, especially in the summer, is a bad idea and that children and older pupils should spend more time in the open air with their friends. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): blodbad Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.