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Organized travel is not as interesting as independent travel пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Travel has become an integral part of modern society. People love to travel in comfort. Because of that, lots of tourists prefer buying a travel package. However, there are some people who claim that a person should travel independently, not on special tours.

From my point of view, buying a tourist tour is more profitable than independent travel. Firstly, the tour includes two-way tickets as well as transport around the country. It helps to save enough money. Secondly, a package tour involves accommodation and meals at the hotel. It is very practical and profitable. Finally, a package tour often includes insurance. It means that a tourist will be provided with medical assistance in a foreign country.

Nevertheless, there are some people who consider that an independent trip is the best way of travelling.

They believe it is more interesting because a person does not depend on anyone, he just follows his own program. Moreover, such people claim that independent travel is cheaper than a package tour because lots of companies overprice for their tours.

I strongly disagree with this view. Travel packages have a lot of advantages including their favourable price which involves flight, hotel, transport, food, etc. It is much cheaper than independent travel.

To sum up, I want to say that there are two points of view but I still believe that the best way of travelling with convenience and comfort is a travel tour.


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