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School classmates make the best friends пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue, which has caused lots of controversy for the recent years, is friendship between school classmates. Some people believe that school classmates become best friends. Others take this opinion with a grain of some skepticism.

In my opinion, classmates really make very good friends. First of all, classmates spend a lot of time together every day. That is why a boy or a girl can learn more about his or her classmates’ characters, hobbies so they can become best friends. Secondly, school friends can strengthen their friendship in some difficult situations like helping with homework, organizing school events and so on. Because of it, children begin to trust each other and they become best friends.

However, there is another side to the question. Some people believe that a lot of children have problems with socialization and communication with their peers.

Moreover, a person usually cannot find a boy or a girl in his class, whose character and interests are similar to his hobbies and behavior.

I personally disagree with the above-mentioned viewpoint. Firstly, if someone has problems with communication, he tries to find a boy or a girl with the same problems among his school classmates. And these two introverts usually become best friends. What's more, nowadays there are more than 30 children in every class, so everyone is guaranteed to make the best friends with a person who has the similar character.

In conclusion, I would like to say that it is difficult to find best friends who don't study in the same class. School classmates really make the best friends whose lives become very happy and successful.


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