Science financing (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)In the modern world the issue of financing is rather relevant and there are a lot of discussions about it. Some people claim that science is the crucial thing to be financed while others hold an opposing opinion. Who is right? I strongly believe that science is the sphere that can change human life for the better. First of all, it makes innovations everywhere – in medicine, in educational system and even in space exploration. Secondly, it makes people s life easier and more comfortable. It will help to increase the level of life which means the progress of humanity. Finally, science always gives us reliable and effective results because they were worked by thousands of scientists. Thus, this sphere is useful for every person in the world as we use the product of scientific activity every day. However, other people have a different point of view, because science need to much time to create something useful to most people. Besides, they claim that there are some more important areas, for example, solving of global problems. That is why they prefer to refuse from investing into science. Undoubtedly, science does not give us instant results and it need time to make innovations real. However, that is what will make the progress for better living of the next generations. Besides, with the development of science all global problems can be solved faster and more effectively. Thus, I prefer science to other spheres. All in all, I reckon that financing of science is a key to upgrade future and we need to make it closer to us. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Арина Сирбай Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.