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Прочитай о мальчике по имени Питер и составь похожий рассказ о себе на английском (Школьные сочинения)

ГДЗ по английскому языку; Rainbow English; 3-й класс; Unit 8; Step 5; упр. 6; стр. 74.

Вариант ответа №1

When we meet, we speak about our lessons, films, songs and many other interesting things. We usually speak Russian, but sometimes we speak English because it is fun. We all learn and love English.

My family is not big. I have a mother, a father, and an elder sister. We like to spend time together. We like to have birthday parties. My birthday party is in June. June is the first month of summer. Summer is my favourite season. In summer it is warm and sunny. I like that weather because I can go for walks with my friends and play different games with them.

Playing basketball is my hobby.

I also like playing football and chess.

Вариант ответа №2


I am Konstantin and I am eleven years old. I am from Russia and I live in the city of Saint Petersburg. I am a schoolboy. My favourite subjects are English and Russian because I like languages. I also want to learn Spanish.

I have many friends – both boys and girls. My best friends are Igor and Egor. Igor is twelve years old, he is my neighbour. Egor is eleven years old, he is my classmate. We play computer games, walk and fish together. It is fun.

My family is very small. I have parents and two cats. I love them all very much.

My birthday is in winter – on the tenth of January. I love winter because I enjoy cold and frosty weather with a lot of snow. In winter my father and I go to the forest to ski, fish on the lake, make snowmen and play snowballs.

Словарик к текстам:

very soon – очень скоро

usually – обычно

sometimes – иногда

elder sister – старшая сестра

spend – тратить, проводить

different – разные

chess – шахматы

languages – языки

Spanish – испанский

both … and … – и … и …

neighbour – сосед

classmate – одноклассник

frosty – морозный

make snowmen – лепить снеговиков

play snowballs – играть в снежки


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