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Mobile phones should be used at schools and colleges as an educational tool пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, it is hard to imagine the world without phones. And some people think that pupils should not use them at school, while others claim that gadgets are useful for studying. Let us discuss who is right.

In my opinion, there are more bad than good things in using smartphones. To begin with, children are becoming mad about their phones. They prefer surfing the Internet instead of doing activities in real life. Therefore, pupils spend less time talking with friends and having fun with them. Secondly, children do not notice anything around them because they are staring at phones, while they are eating, having free time and even at lessons. Teenagers cannot put on their gadgets. Thirdly, pupils often use their phones for cheating at exams.

Therefore, children do not learn anything new because they are sure that smartphones will help them.

Although it seems to be reasonable, some people believe that smartphones at school should be allowed. It is thought that surfing the Internet pupils can find out useful information for lessons.

I absolutely disagree with this argument. There are libraries where you can find the book whatever you need. And there is no reason to use smartphones for that. Also, you can learn even more information reading books.

To sum up, I would like to say that I share the opinion that pupils should abandon using smartphones at school. I believe that we need to spend more time talking with friends and reading books. It makes us smarter.


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