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Is humanity coming apart or together? IELTS (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The modern world is tending to globalization, but there are still lots of opponents of this movement. That is why we have a dilemma: do nations unite or separate? First and furthermost, the process of interaction and integration takes place almost in all spheres of life, for example in culture. We cannot see anymore as great cultural gap between the New and the Old World, as it has been 50 or even 30 years ago. What is more, technological progress is the main driver of leveling up the undeveloped countries – the digital divide is decreasing. It has a potential to lift developing countries out of poverty. Then, lots of international companies and planetary networks are actively interacting and uniting their capitals. However, the idea of globalization has received harsh criticism: there are also people who support national identity. An opposite to globalization process is called regionalization. Globalization forces can even aggravate the economic situation in undeveloped countries. To get more benefit, producers hire employees for extremely small wages. Proponents of regionalization contend that concentration of specialty or resource-intensive services may lead to improvements in the country’s economy. One more argument against the unification of nations is that the results of global production badly affect the environmental situation in most regions. In conclusion, globalization is the main trend in the modern world. No difference how many opponents it has, the implications of this process are great both for developed and developing countries. And finally, countries cannot exist without the connections with each other. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): lidiy_aa Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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