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The growth of cities is harmful for the environment example (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

A man, who raises his goods can kill nature. And the industry is very harmful to the environment. Some people claim that city building destroys nature, while others argue that it doesn`t harm the environment. In this essay I will try to express my opinion on this issue.

In my view, the growth of cities entails the growth of industry, and this means that factories and houses are appearing… Firstly, they emit harmful substances into the atmosphere, and it certainty harms nature. For example, gas that is released forms ozone holes in the atmosphere. Secondly, to build factories, houses or stores people cut down forests, depletes water bodies, thereby destroys the place of living of animals. For example, to equip the road, people cover the soil with concrete, which destroys the organisms that live there.

However, some people think that development of cities doesn`t harm the environment.

For them, a nature and a man live separately from each other. First of all, man is a rational one. He will not ruin it, because the nature gives him the opportunity to live. For example, people usually use only devasted territories to build a city.

I am afraid I cannot agree with this idea because nowadays money plays a very big role. People can destroy the nature to gain power and wealth. Speaking about growth of cities, it can harm the environment and nobody will care about it. For example, every year a huge amount of hectares of forests is cut down for selling and construction.

In conclusion, the issue of our discussion has a controversial nature, I still hold the opinion that people often cause huge. Damage to nature by the fact that the construction of cities pollutes the environment and kills it. But luckily, nowadays there are a lot of charitable centres for helping nature.


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