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You are going to give a talk about household duties (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Вариант 1

Most teenagers actively help their parents about the house. Teenagers usually do the washing-up, vacuum the carpets, take out the garbage and go shopping. If there is a pet in the family, children may walk it after school.

In my opinion, the easiest household duty is walking a pet and doing the shopping. In these cases, you can have a breath of fresh air and even meet up with your friends.

As for difficult household duties, I think those are washing the dishes and vacuuming. Such duties take a lot of time and effort and are rather boring.

Personally, I like helping my mum with cooking. I believe that cooking skills will come in useful for me in the future. Moreover, cooking is always fun, because I know that soon there will be a delicious dish on our table.

Вариант 2

Every teenager should help his or her parents and other family members about the house.

While some teenagers are too lazy and do not want to do anything, most of them are grown-up enough and ready to take on some household duties. Teenagers usually have such duties as doing the shopping, taking out the garbage, cleaning their own room or the whole apartment, dusting, etc. Advanced teenagers may also take part in the process of cooking.

I would not say that there are easy duties, because if you want to do something really well, it takes a lot of time and effort no matter what it is. But many teenagers consider walking their pets to be a simple thing to do as it feels more like a kind of entertainment than hard work.

To me, almost all household duties seem difficult. The most unpleasant one is washing the floors, because I have to bend down a lot and my hands get very dirty. Moreover, if you are unlucky, you can get a wood splinter under your fingernail, which is painful and dangerous.

When it comes to household duties, my preferences are as follows. I like doing the shopping and taking out the garbage. These duties give me a chance to spend some extra time outdoors.


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