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It is the esponsibility of government to protect the environment (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, environmental problems are bothering everyone in the world. Some people think that our government have to care about the environment while others believe that it is the responsibility of each individual.

Personally, I believed that the government should solve global problems. Firstly, we have a lot of pollution which is produced by factories and only the government have the power to make laws to control situation, which we cannot disobey. Secondly, there are different organizations like Greenpeace, PETA because the government has money to support these entities as better and regularly as possible. Finally, the state is able to make new educational courses about ways to deal with eco-problems like recycling, separate garbage collection to make people more educated.

However, some people think people themselves are responsible to protect our nature.

They sure that people can clean up areas from garbage and they can use eco-friendly transport like bicycle and this will solve part of problem. They also admit people can change his daily routine and save resources of nature, using them only in the right amount, economy light as the care about the environment starts with the person himself.

Nevertheless, I cannot fully agree with opposing opinion because people are needed in a leader who will rule them and explain what they should do, therefore the government manages problems solving.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the role of government is enormous, therefore dangerous ecological problems should be solved by government.


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