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Some parents think that having a computer at home will help their children to get a better education (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays due to technological progress almost every child seems to have a computer at home. Some people think that computers give children a good foundation to their education, while others believe that computers have only bad impact on their results at school.

In my opinion, a computer is a good gadget with lots of opportunities, which can be extremely helpful for children while studying. To start with, computers have several useful programs which come to teens’ assistance. Students can use them for programming or web-designing. In addition, thanks to the Internet access students are able to find neccessary information for their projects and assignments.

However, there are some people with the different opinion.

They claim that computers distract youngsters from studying. Young people spend all their time in front of the computer. They often play online games, chat in social networks or just surf the Net. As a result, they become addicted to the virtual world.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above opinion. Gadgets are quite useful in our technological world. Computer skills are required in every sphere of the modern life. Therefore, young people need to practise their skills as often as possible.

To sum up, although computers might cause addiction, I strongly believe that children should use them in many ways. Obviously, using computers by students in a sensible way could lead them to success in the future.


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