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A Husband Makes His Wife or a Wife Makes Her Husband? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

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Almost everyone tries to find the perfect person to marry and enjoy a love affair that lasts a lifetime with him. But not everyone is successful in this matter. Some people marry a person that is wrong for them. Nevertheless, a husband and a wife change during their wedlock, because people influence each other when they live together. The question is: «Does a wife change depending on her husband or vice versa?».

I have all reasons to believe that a wife makes her husband. First of all, despite the fact that in ancient time the head of the family was a man, a woman also played an important role. It is not a secret that men went crazy with the charm of women. Wives were very cunning and sensible and thanks to these qualities they could influence their husbands, change their decisions and even his character.

I think that now everything is the same. Secondly, there are a lot of examples of how wives made their husbands a different person. I read about Gala Dali, who was a wife of poet Paul Eluard and later of artist Salvador Dali. Gala and Paul after the wedding moved to Paris, where she quickly made useful contacts in publishing circles. Her husband instantly became a wealthy man. Then she married Salvador Dali. Gala kept the house, while Dali painted pictures. She took control of all her husband’s finance, and Dali became rich. I think this is a good example of how a wife made her husband.

In conclusion, even though some people may disagree with me, I believe that a woman makes her husband, because she can help him change, become successful, or unhappy. There are even proverbs: «A good wife makes a good husband» and «the husband is the head, and the wife is the neck - wherever the neck turns, the head goes there and looks».

Оценка эксперта:

К1 (решение коммуникативной задачи) – 0 баллов

1) Существенно превышен объём эссе – автор использовал 315 слов вместо максимально разрешённых 275. В соответствии с правилами, проверке подлежит только часть эссе до слов Dali became rich включительно.

2) Введение получилось неоправданно длинным.

3) Также чрезмерно объёмным и содержащим лишние подробности получился второй абзац, раскрывающий аргументы автора в пользу своей позиции.

4) Противоположная точка зрения, её опровержение, а также заключение в проверяемой части сочинения отсутствуют.

5) Слово crazy нарушает нейтральный стиль эссе.

Совокупность допущенных недочётов, к сожалению, не позволяет считать коммуникативную задачу решённой. Сочинение получает ноль баллов.

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