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Extreme sports help to build your character (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays there are more and more people who become addicted to extreme sports because of different reasons. Someone wants to build a career on this kind of sport and someone just likes the feel of adrenalin floating through the body. This topic is quite contradictory. So there is an arguing if extreme sports help to build character or not.

In my opinion, extreme sports is a really good way to develop yourself physically and psychologically. Firstly, spine-chilling activity means facing danger. So that is why while doing such activity you are supposed to overcome your fears. For example, in bungee jumping people have to get over fear of height and free fall. Risking, endangering life really tempers spirit. Secondly, people who are into extreme sports are often positive and accomplished.

Moreover, they are bolder, stronger and more confident than other people, because of all menacing things they have to go through. Average, daily problems are not so scary as they have experienced something more utmost. These people really have a backbone.

However, there is also a different opinion on this subject. Some people think that there are better and easier ways to build a character. They believe extreme is just an unnecessary life endangering and complete waste of time and money.

I do not fully agree with the above statement. Extreme is a unique activity combining physical and psychological training. You cannot find something like this. Risky sports will give you the best behaviour, body and memories.

To sum up I would like to say that living on the edge is the best way to escape from monotonous routine and to build character for living the best life.


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