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Тренды разработки (Сочинение на свободную тему)

Now software engineering is developing very rapidly. At the same time, there are several trends of software engineering that will exist in the next few years.

The first trend of software engineering is pervasive computing. Computers are in our phones, our watches, our refrigerators, our TV and our cars. These are different sizes devices which main function is to support our daily life activities. also continues to spread wearable technology, allowing, for example, to monitor the health of the owner.

The second trend is a large spread of software-based systems that often replace older systems. Games, taxis, shops, like many other everyday things, are made available from special applications developed by software engineers.

And that makes them demand professionals.

The third trend is the creation of new systems through the integration of different systems and software. Now the development of new code decreases, and the reuse of already written code increases. This contributes to the rapid development and rapid release of software. Integrating software into elements of the physical world results to the creation of intelligent systems that provide increased productivity, security and speed.

Another trend is the creation of software by small teams. Small and medium sized companies often work more efficiently and quickly on small projects There is also an increase in the number of people developing remotely and freelancers.

Now software engineering is developing very rapidly. At the same time, there are several trends of software engineering that will exist in the next few years.

The first trend of software engineering is pervasive computing. Computers are in our phones, our watches, our refrigerators, our TV and our cars. These are different sizes devices which main function is to support our daily life activities. also continues to spread wearable technology, allowing, for example, to monitor the health of the owner.

The second trend is a large spread of software-based systems that often replace older systems. Games, taxis, shops, like many other everyday things, are made available from special applications developed by software engineers. And that makes them demand professionals.

The third trend is the creation of new systems through the integration of different systems and software. Now the development of new code decreases, and the reuse of already written code increases. This contributes to the rapid development and rapid release of software. Integrating software into elements of the physical world results to the creation of intelligent systems that provide increased productivity, security and speed.

Another trend is the creation of software by small teams. Small and medium sized companies often work more efficiently and quickly on small projects There is also an increase in the number of people developing remotely and freelancers.


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