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Every city or town should have a zoo (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the problem of having a zoo in every city or town is highly debatable in the society. Some people say that there should be a zoo in every city. However, there are people who strongly oppose the idea.

In my opinion, there should not be a zoo in every town. First of all, in some zoos animals are treated cruelly. It is very cruel to keep animals in close cages as they should live in their natural habitat together with the same species. What is more, it is very expensive to maintain a zoo. Not every town can provide good conditions for animals and they have to live in dirty and unhealthy conditions.

Nevertheless, some people think that every city should have a zoo. For example, a zoo is a kind of entertainment. It is always fun to visit zoos, especially for children.

Besides, zoos give useful information and it is very interesting to learn something new about different species of animals and in zoos people have an opportunity to see rare animals.

I disagree with the above mentioned opinion. Nowadays people do not have to go anywhere as they can find all necessary information about species of animals in the internet.

In conclusion, I want to stress that not every city or town should have a zoo. It is not reasonable to keep animals in so many zoos because they should live in their natural habitat but not in close cages.


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