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Пример неформального письма на английском (Школьные сочинения)


Thank you for your recent letter,I got it yesterday.I am very glad that you and your family are well.In your letter you asked me if I would come to you on spring holidays.One thing,thank you so much for the invitation! I must say I have a lot of to do on these holidays,but in my opinion I probably will finish my cases during one week.So in the second week of holidays can come to London.

When I was in Britain for the first time I liked everything in London.If you remember during week of managed to visit many attractions and places.When I came to you first,honestly,I was a little seared.Last year I went abroad or the first time and,of course,for the first time I had lived in another family.I was very excited but at the same time a little afraid. I did not know,what people were waiting from me.Well,you turned out to be very good.I am very glad that I got into such a good family.So,we made good friends with Loli-daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Shits-and she showed me Big Ben,Buckingam Palace,The London Eye,The Tower Bridge and many others attractions.And then I really liked in London.This is a very beautiful and vibrant city that makes you return there again. In addition, I am sure that I did not visit all the sights of this city. Therefore, if you know any other interesting places in London, I hope that we can visit them with you.

And... (please keep calm now).By the way, you won’t believe it, but recently, I found out that BTS will come to London during my vacations as part of a world tour.

They will come to London on October 18th. To be honest, I still can’t believe it, because it seems like "all the stars converge" and finally, we have a chance to get to the their concert.You can look on the Internet when there will be a sale of tickets. As you know, tickets are sold out instantly.So in order to buy at least one ticket, I think you need to sit on several accounts at the same time. So I advise you to ask your family and friends to help you. I don't know about you but I am in such shock now. Dory, I hope we succeed and our dream comes true.

I hope for the quick answer from you.

With love,

Your Ann


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