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Some people think that young people should follow in their parents’ footsteps when choosing a future profession (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays the choice of future job is very important for teenagers. They should chose relevant and demanding professions such as IT expert, big mass data processing specialist, ecologist, gerontologist, etc. Some of them prefer to choose the same job as they parents do, while others are of the opinion that it is better to decide on your future profession by their own.

In my opinion, it is a very important step in every children’s life and they should chose their future profession by themselves. Because only they know themselves and their wishes.

First of all, as time goes by and many new jobs have appeared, the parents’s profession may not be demanded any more.

So that, in some instances there is no use in keeping working “dynasties” in families.

Secondly, children might be not keen on their parents’ profession. It might be not their cup of tea at all.

However, there are some teenagers who have of a different opinion. They want tot take after their parents. As their parents work in the same area, children can always ask them for a good advice for achieving good carrier’s results. By the way, parents can support them and share their experience in daily working routine.

Nevertheless, I do not agree with the above point of view. I think that parents can help their children in choosing future career as they see them every day and know their talents from childhood, but it is not necessarily to follow their footsteps in choosing a profession.

To sum up, although there are many discussions about the future job, I strongly believe, that our parents wish children the best only. All in all, it is up to a person how to choose a future career development.


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