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Письмо о себе. Описание картинки. Письмо о поездке (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Письмо о себе

Alex2899, 16

Moscow, Russia

I like to play sports. Most of all I like to do sports: ballroom dancing and play football. I do sport ballroom dancing 6 times a week. All my time is spent studying. I watch TV a little time is spent on the Internet and computer games. I am a positive person.

Описание картинки Spotlight SB 10 ex 11 p 13 11

In the second photo we see friends, who went camping. They settled in a cleaning near the fire. One of them took a guitar with him. Now he plays the guitar, friends listen and sing songs with the guitar. I am fun and good.

Письмо другу о поездке

Hello, Paul!

How are you? I am sorry for not writing to you for so long.

It is been a year since I moved to Turin. It took me a long time to get in a new place. Turin is a city in Italy. It is a green town on the Po River. There are many parks, museums and theatres. Turin is also a sports city. Here the residents are divided into two parts: fans of Juventus and Torino. There is also a climber club, tennis and ski clubs. So you can always find something to do here.

Now I am studying Italian so that it can be easier to communicate with local residents. I have friends here, who help me in a new place. Turin is an economically developed city. It is proud of his sports cars and chocolate.

I like living here, but I do not have enough contact with you and my old friends. This is all the news for now. How are you doing? What is new? Say hello to everyone for me.


Your friend Alex2899.


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