Fast food outlets should be closed примеры (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays people face a difficult decision when they think about whether it is necessary to close fast food outlets or not. In this essay I would like to express my own opinion on this issue.
Personally, I am definitely against banning fast food restaurants. Firstly, having meal at such places is convinient for busy people, who do not have enough time for cooking, because eating a sandwich or a burger will never take lots of time. Secondly, prices in fast food outlets are low, so almost everyone can allow himself/herself visiting them, excluding extra-spending. Thus, fast food outlets, giving people an opportunity to save time and money, has become one of the necessities of the modern society, so it should not be forbidden.
Others believe that it is essential to close junk food restaurants. According to them, meals, which are given there, contain lost of sugar and other unwholesome elements destroying people`s health.
I strongly object to the idea that fast food outlets have only disadvantages and should be banned so. Scientists claim that steering a middle course and controlling the amount of junk food comsumed will not have a big impact on human`s organism.
To sum up, I would like to emphasize that, despite the issue`s contradictory nature, I am convinced that there is no point in closing fast food outlets. The sooner people start behave more rationally and think about the amount of food they eat, the better life they will have. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): anyudashkin Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.