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Education is the most important possession a person can have. Задание 40 (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Книга ФИПИ-2019 Вербицкая М.В. 20 вариантов

2 вариант

Nowadays education is considered to be the greatest value a person can have. However, there are others who would not agree with the statement. Therefore, I would like to express my point of view.

In my opinion, education is the basis for rational and logical thinking and everybody should be cultured for their own good. Firstly, people who are educated can access lots of opportunities in life. They get good jobs and achieve high status among friends and acquaintances.

Secondly, a well-educated person can use his or her brain to have an independent and individual decision. Instead of listening to others, people solve their problems and have their own thoughts.

However, there are people who would not agree with me. They think that uneducated persons do not need a professional qualification to live well. They can easily find something to do and live not worse than others who spend a lot of time on getting high education.

To tell the truth, I cannot fully agree with the item. I think, a person who is not educated can do only low-paid or menial jobs, they cannot have a decent life. These people will not be able to have comfort for themselves and their families.

Taking everything into account, I want to say that nowadays education is the most important possession a person can have. I hope, I have managed to prove my point of view.

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