Задание 40. Should women be forced to change their names when they get married? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays some people believe that it is necessary for a woman to take the name of her husband after their wedding. Others are sure that it should be a choice of each bride with which name she will live for the rest of her life, at least until the divorce. Where is the truth? In my opinion, in the modern world coercion is unacceptable. Thus, a woman must decide for herself what name to take in marriage. First of all, the tradition of giving a female the surname of her male partner is sexist as it is connected with the patriarchal system of society in the past. The surname of the husband is like a label, which says: "I belong to this person". Furthermore, it is unfair to decide for a person with what name to live. A human is free to make a decision whether to take his or her spouse's name or change his or her one to the one he or she likes. However, there exists another point of view. Some people have too traditional worldviews. They believe that for a stronger family relationship a woman have to change her surname. It is like a ritual of transition to a new family. At the same time, I feel that good relationships do not dened on the common name, but it significantly depends on the mutual respect of the spouses. That is why, if the husband forces his wife to take his name against her will, then these relations can not be strong and loving. To conclude, I would like to note that respect of choice is mach more important than some patriarchal prejudice. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): daria.hist Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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