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Sport helps unite people of different cultures (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Sport has become a very popular activity. Taking part in sports competitions helps to meet new people from different countries. Although lately some people consider sport only takes the nations apart.

In my opinion, sport unites people from different countries, because when sportsmen come to other countries for competitions, they learn the traditions and customs of this country. What is more, there are a lot of sportsmen who compete for another country, they train and live abroad, so they have to adapt for living conditions of the country, communicate with other sportsmen, which helps them a lot to understand their culture and mentality.

Other people say that when players compete against each other, they are rather enemies than friends.

They also say that sport moves people apart. They think that people's relationship depends on their nationality. For example, there were a lot of American sportsmen who ignored Russian athletes during the 2015 Summer Olympics.

However, I cannot fully agree with this opinion. Firstly, sportsmen fight against each other only during competitions, but they can be good friends in life, they are something like a big sports family. Secondly, only a small part of athletes was against our sportsmen during the Olympics, the others supported and cheered us up.

To sum it up, I would like to say that sport helps to keep peace in the world and unites nations and cultures.


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