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Self-education is impossible without computer skills (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, the problem of the defining the best way of self-education causes great argument and controversy. Some people think that it is necessary to have a computer skills while others believe that you can educate yourself without it. Where is the truth?

In my opinion,there is no problem with no having a computer skills. First of all, there are a lot of sources which could help you with self education: books, smart people, articles.Secondly,there were so many significant historical people who did a lot of things and discovers without computer skills they also played themselves with books and ancient texts.

However there exists another point of view on this issue: some people believe that you cannot educate yourself without technical progress influence. Firstly, a computer makes your education productive in easier with programs and additions.Also computer lets you use an Internet this is a huge source of useful, amazing and helpful information. computer skills or all of these benefits.

Despite my respect for this opinion i cannot share it because computer programs can make mistakes and errors with homemade your education complicated and confuse it.Moreover any internet has a lot of useless and harmful information which don't bother you and destroy your concentration.

In conclusion i would like to say that it is not impossible to have a computer skills for self education.The main thing that will help you it is your motivation.

(This is the theme of anticipatory exam of april 2019)


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