Following fashion trends is a waste of time and money пример (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Nowadays some people think that following fashion is necessary to be acceptable in society. While others are convinced that fashion trends are needed to people for boasting and showing that they have a lot of money. In my opinion, fashion brings humanity new opportunities in all sphere of our life. Firstly, I do not think that following fashion is a waste of money. Fashion gives an opportunity to human to look nicer and happier because of bought cloth. Secondly, exactly fashion introduced new technologies which are useful for our life. Also, I want to point out that fashion on clothes, on new technologies, on literacy makes humanity developing and becoming clever and more successful. Nevertheless, others suppose that fashion is a bad thing which happened to people. For example, scientists have discovered a new psychological disease - shopaholism which makes people to waste big amounts of money to buy unnecessary goods. We all know about Apple products, especially mobile phones. The firm makes us to pay more for this brand. I disagree with that point of view. Honestly, I believe that fashion clothes rise self-esteem, so why people should economize on yourselves and wear cheap and unfashionable dresses. Besides, I think fashion brands make multifunctional devices and it is worth to waste money for them. To sum it up, I want to say that fashion has both advantages and disadvantages. Also, it is the decision of people to follow fashion or to ignore it. As for me, following fashion is the right way of living. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Куртмуллаева Вероника Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.