Знание – счастье? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)Every person from birth to the last days knows the world. We study at school in childhood, we get a specialty in our youth, during our life we &&change our hobbies, we get acquainted with hundreds of people. Thus, we acquire a variety of knowledge. Happy is he who manages to apply his knowledge and skills in life, to bring joy and benefit to himself and those around him through his work. The most remarkable thing when a person has the knowledge, talent and desire to work. But do knowledge and talents always give a feeling of happiness? The great Russian artists of different epochs reflected on this simple, seemingly question. The topic of knowledge in each work is reviewed in a new way. In the literature of the XVIII century, in the era of classicism, one of the first places was occupied by the topic of enlightenment. In the comedy of DI Fonvizin “The Minority”, such vices as rudeness, cruelty, stupidity, lack of education, greed are mocked. The problem of education is the main one in the play, which is emphasized by its title. One of the main characters is Mitrofanushka Prostakov - a favorite of the mother, an ignoramus and a slacker. Teachers from Mitrofan were selected in accordance with the norm of time: German Vralman teaches him in French, retired sergeant Tsyfirkin teaches exact sciences, who “maracuts a small amount of arihmetics”, grammar is “educated” seminarian Kuteikin who was dismissed from “every teaching”. The result of the training of Mitrofanushka is the exam scene, where the student demonstrates complete ignorance, and his mother summarizes: "People live and live without the sciences." Knowledge of Mitrofan, his desire not to learn, and marry are ridiculous. But his rude attitude towards servants, his willingness to “take on people”, his betrayal to his mother no longer causes laughter: a despot, an ignorant and cruel serf, is growing before us. Prostakov, cattle happy, because they think only about their well-being. They are clever, as clever hishchiki, stealing for prey. But they do not need deep knowledge, keen intelligence, intelligent conversations. The state gives confidence that they have the right not only to govern, but also to own human souls. Fonvizin also opposed autocracy. In the mouth of his beloved hero Starodum, the author put the idea that the empress should be enlightened. The ideal of the writer is a citizen and a patriot, striving to work for the good of the fatherland. He must become an active creative person, struggle with public vices. Such a person must abandon the desire for personal happiness, subordinate their feelings to duty. The theme of knowledge and happiness is present in the works of the XIX century. An example is the novel Fathers and Sons. Turgenev in the center of the story put the hero of the era of the 50s of the XIX century - a representative of the raznochinnoy intelligentsia Evgeny Bazarov. Bazarov - a bright personality, endearing others with its uncommonness. Despite the apparent swagger, it is guessed character energetic, courageous and, at the same time, sincere and kind. Against the background of the inactive Pavel Petrovich, the impractical Nikolai Petrovich, Bazarov stands out for his love of work, perseverance in achieving his goal, his desire to bring people real benefit. Bazarov’s knowledge is ambiguous: he recognizes only natural sciences, but he considers art to be empty and useless. Bazarov - the son of a doctor and, perhaps, because of life chose medical business. Knowledge, according to the hero, is only valuable when it is of practical use. But does Bazarov bring happiness to his knowledge? The strong nihilistic convictions of a strong, stern man were undermined by the feeling of love for Anna Sergeevna Odintsova. Bazarov, rejected by his beloved woman, tried to devote himself entirely to medicine, so as not to suffer, not to think about feelings, because his brain would be busy with living work. But, cutting off his finger while dissecting a corpse and not being able to immediately treat the wound, Bazarov receives blood poisoning and soon dies. The hero did not manage to be happy and did not give happiness to others. In the story “The Heart of a Dog” by M. Bulgakov, already written in the twentieth century, the theme of happiness and knowledge is covered differently. One of the main characters of the story, Professor Philipp Philippovich Preobrazhensky, is a very intelligent, intelligent, educated man. The author painted a portrait of a talented scientist and medical practitioner, whose authoritative word the whole world listens to. Preobrazhensky is satisfied with his life. This person can be called a happy person not only because operations bring him wealth. The work of the professor is internationally recognized. Preobrazhensky set his goal to discover a way to rejuvenate a person, and he spends all his energy on his beloved work. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Mihaelik Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. |