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I hate school meals. What kind of food do you get at school for lunch? I know many people in Russia have dachas. Why do people want to have a dacha? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)




Dear Jack,

I was happy to receive your letter and learn about your attitude towards school meals.

In your letter you asked me about my food preferences. Well, at school we don't have a wide choice of dishes to eat. That's why I usually get a chicken soup and a vegetable salad for lunch. Although some of my classmates hate this food I am quite satisfied with it. My favourite food is homemade apple pies. I can cook pies myself but sometimes my mom helps me.

That’s exciting news about your brother's trip to Nepal! Why is he going there? Which places does he want to visit? Are there any friends who are going with him?

That’s all for now as I must do my homework.

Write back soon.






Dear Bob,

I was happy to receive your letter and learn about your future plans.

In your letter you asked me about dachas. Well, it's true that on average every Russian family has its own dacha. People want to have a dacha because they need a place to spend their spare time in summer. There they grow fruit and vegetables so that later they can eat fresh and useful products. Many families get to dachas by cars or by trains. A dacha is a perfect place for Russian people to gather together with their relatives in the countryside and have a good time.

That’s exciting news about your new hobby! Which dance style do you want to learn? How many times a week are you going to attend the dancing class? How long will each class last?

That’s all for now as I must do my homework. Write back soon.




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