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Creative hobbies help to cope with stress и One should read about historical sites before sightseeing (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Creative hobbies help to cope with stress

Nowadays there is a great number of people who believe that people can cope with stress by finding an imaginative hobby while others claim that hobbies that require creativity only compound stress.

From my point of view, doing creative work you will get rid of stress. The first thing that needs to be said is creative hobbies help you get away from your problems and worries. Secondly, some hobbies connect you with other people who will support you. Thirdly, hobbies help people to take a break from a busy schedule with the benefit.

However, some people think that creative hobbies can also increase stress. Firstly, you can be unsuccessful in your hobby and if something goes wrong, your stress will increase. Secondly, hobbies take a lot of time that you can spend usefully to solve the problem.

Personally, I do not agree with the opinion above. I believe that if you like your hobby you will not receive stress from it.

What is more, there are hobbies that do not take a lot of time, so you can work out your favorite thing thereby cope with stress and do not waste time.

To sum up, creative hobbies are essential to cope with stress. I think everyone must have a hobby that needs your creativity and imagination.

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One should read about historical sites before sightseeing.

Some people think that reading about a historical place before visiting is a good idea while others

say that it is waste of time. Is it important or useless?

In my opinion, better find some information about the place you going to visit. Firstly, before sightseeing, you must read that wear and take with you.

Secondly, if you read about the place and then visit you remember it stronger. Thirdly, you can see comments of other people and make a decision visit it or not.

However, some people say that reading about historical sites before sightseeing has some disadvantages. First of all, if you do not know about the place excursion will be more interesting and surprising. Secondly, it is easier to make your personal conclusions about the location you will visit if you did not read about it before.

Personally, I do not agree with the opinion above. I believe that although surprising excursion more interesting, you can face problems associated with lack of preparation. What is more, without knowing the location you going to visit you will make erroneous conclusions.

To conclude, finding information before visiting is essential to the success in sightseeing. This way you will get more out of the trip.


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