Report «changes in attitude towards women’s attractiveness in comparison with their skills» (ЕГЭ обществознание)Subject: changes in attitude towards women’s attractiveness in comparison with their skills.
The analysis of compliments related to the appearance of female characters in movies and to their abilities has shown certain differences over the years. This report is aimed to reveal the alterations and the reasons for them.
According to the diagram percentage of the compliments received by female characters related to their skills has grown from zero (Snow White) to more than 50 percent (Brave). The largest number of compliments in the classic era was 18 percent received by Cinderella. However, the main hero of the latest cartoon Frozen got just 35 percent of them. On the opposite, compliments related to appearance have gone through a certain decline. In the classic era about 80 percent were received within the films (for example Snow White) while in the new age their appearance is praised by less than 30 percent on average.
The most obvious reason of such alteration is the attitude to women in general. About a century ago a woman was regarded as no more than a mother and wife. Nowadays this opinion has changed. Female is now perceived as a person who can not only give a birth to children but also work, have a career and be regarded on the same level as men.
To sum up, changes in attitudes towards women in real life have led to the alterations in the quality and pattern of the compliments given to female movie characters. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Алина0702 Внимание! Спасибо за внимание.