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In today's world science must be the first thing to be financed essay (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays science is a great source of innovations. A lot of modern scientists work at the problems that help make our life more comfortable and interesting. But some people are convinced that there are more important spheres of human lives that must be financed in the first place.

I am sure there is a direct relation between the level of science and well-being of people in every country. Therefore, any state should finance science first of all if it wants to be a leader in innovation technologies, make workplaces for its citizens and have any economic growth. Besides, scientists make the vision of the world structure easier. The more people will understand the world construction, the more of them will take part in its development.

In these days every person realizes how important it is to invest into computer science because this is an issue for everyone. But some science areas are seriously underestimated. And only state financing can help in this case.

However, there is another view of the point. Some people believe that it is better to invest money in entertainment or charity. They suggest financing science on leftovers. It is not very popular with most businessmen to spend money on scientific projects. They prefer to buy houses, yachts or football teams.

Of course, I cannot agree with this position. Such global companies as Google, IBM, Microsoft, understand how significant science is and finance it. That is why plenty of clever people immigrate to America. Moreover, in modern times scientific discoveries find the way into the real life faster than it used to be. It means that the financial benefit can be got quickly.

To sum up, I would say that science obviously makes our life better and financing it could be very beneficial for everybody.


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