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The growth of cities is harmful for environment (пример) (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

The issue of urban sprawl has always aroused strong debates. Some people believe that urbanization is a big problem as it affects environment negatively, while others claim that it cannot do any harm to nature.

In my opinion, urban sprawl is detrimental to the Earth, and the reasons for this are as follows. Firstly, it is common knowledge that factories in cities pollute the environment with waste waters and emissions containing high concentrations of toxicants, which results in the continuous worsening of nature condition. Secondly, the increasing number of cities leads to deforestation that can cause the extinction of plant and animal species.

However, some people think otherwise. The opponents of the above view are convinced that there are a lot of different ways to save our environment from pollution such as the use of electromobiles, solar panels and closed cycle factories.

In their view, urbanization is a problem that can easily be solved.

I am afraid I cannot agree with the above argument. I believe that it is not easy to solve environmental problems even with the help of modern technologies, because at present they can hardly be introduced to every sphere of production. Thus urban sprawl can damage the environment, and people will not be able to recover it.

To sum up, I am firmly convinced that the growth of cities is dangerous for our planet irrespective of the opposing opinion. Urbanization can be fatal if it not stemmed.

Hope, that my essee helped you with your exams)


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