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The best holidays and weekends are with national traditions (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Nowadays, there are opposing opinions about spending holidays and weekends. Some people believe that the best celebrations are with national traditions, while others disagree with this point of view.

In my opinion, celebrating special occasions with national traditions has a beneficial effect on peoples’ life. Firstly, celebrating national holidays, people can form their identity, which may help them to remember and appreciate their roots if they move to another country. Secondly, national celebrations can often unite people and build strong relationships with family and friends because people share the same culture and history. Finally, national celebrations might help people to ensure the transmission of values from the older generation to the younger.

Все-таки исправила на настоящее, так как по правилам if-clause данный случай - вероятность, которая скорее всего случится в будущем, то есть говорящий уверен в последствии.

Nevertheless, there are those who think that celebrating national occasions does more harm than good. The reason is that in the globalized world people should integrate with different nations. Hence, national celebrations can separate people of different cultures, which may lead to a conflict. Additionally, some people maintain that national events have become irrelevant in the contemporary world.

Despite these arguments, I cannot agree with this. Celebrating special occasions with national traditions is the best way to let other people know about one’s culture, which can prevent controversy between nations. Moreover, as national celebrations often consolidate people, they might be consistent with modern society.

In conclusion, although there are different points of view on whether people should celebrate special occasions with national traditions, I am inclined to believe that nationwide events have a beneficial effect on peoples’ life.


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