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The influence of the state on the personal life of citizens, on their beliefs and beliefs is the problem over which IA. Ilyin. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)The influence of the state on the personal life of citizens, on their beliefs and beliefs is the problem over which IA. Ilyin.
Reflecting on this issue, the author claims that "... a person's inner convictions, love, faith in God are not created by orders." In his opinion, such decrees can cause hypocrisy or protest in a person. From the point of view of IA. Ilyina, the state can not influence the convictions of citizens, because you can not love or believe in something by order "from above." I agree with the position of the author and believe that a person decides what to believe in, who to love, and the influence of the state on his beliefs can "force in response only external, hypocritical submission and hypocritical" love "to the imposed values." Let us recall E. Zamyatin's novel "We", in which the state subjugated every person-number, took away from its citizens the possibility of intellectual and artistic creativity, replacing it with the Unified State Science, mechanical music and state poetry. Having reduced love to pure physiology, it deprived the person of personal attachments, feelings of kinship, for all connections, except for communication with the United State, are criminal, thereby the state made people unhappy and defenseless against the supreme power. In A. Solzhenitsyn's novel One Day of Ivan Denisovich, Alyoshka the Baptist, who was imprisoned because of his faith, stands out among all the prisoners. But the young man did not change his convictions, he did not lose hope; the ban on the state did not affect him, but on the contrary, in Gulag Alyoshin, faith only strengthened and became stronger. I can conclude that no supreme authority, no state can influence the beliefs and beliefs of a person.I agree with the position of the author and believe that a person decides what to believe in, who to love, and the influence of the state on his beliefs can "force in response only external, hypocritical submission and hypocritical" love "to the imposed values." Let us recall E. Zamyatin's novel "We", in which the state subjugated every person-number, took away from its citizens the possibility of intellectual and artistic creativity, replacing it with the Unified State Science, mechanical music and state poetry. Having reduced love to pure physiology, it deprived the person of personal attachments, feelings of kinship, for all connections, except for communication with the United State, are criminal, thereby the state made people unhappy and defenseless against the supreme power. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Трифонов Егор Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. Полезный материал по теме
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