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How to oppose meanness and meanness is the question the author of the text discusses. (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Infamy and meanness are words of synonyms, denoting morally low, dishonest acts of a person. How much humanity exists, so much, unfortunately, and they rule over people. On this moral and moral problem, philosophers, writers, and poets pondered and pondered.

How to oppose meanness and meanness is the question the author of the text discusses.

Y. Bondarev in the story "Beauty" depicts a self-confident, self-interested guy. It's selfishness that made the hero so mean and low behave in a disco in relation to an ugly, confused girl.

But not the meanness of a handsome man attracted the writer's attention, but the behavior of a girl who was able to resist the baseness and meanness of a guy and put him in his place.

The position of the author is easy to define: meanness and meanness will flourish until there are people who will repulse them.

I share the author's point of view: it is always necessary to resist meanness and meanness.

Unfortunately, having been to the discotheques, not once seeing such pictures, did not meet with the same brave girl. Most of my contemporaries, having got into a similar situation, get lost, fold and most often run away from the hall with tears ...

The heroine of the story of VG Astafiev "Lyudochka" came even worse. Not having the moral strength to resist the baseness and meanness of Strekocha, who broke her life, she hung herself ...

I think, tears, cries, abuse, suicide will not solve the problem of fighting against baseness and meanness. Exit one. If a girl, who was humiliated just like Bondarev's heroine, does not have the strength to repel the insolent, then we, her friends, peers, should help her in this!The heroine of the story of VG Astafiev "Lyudochka" came even worse. Not having the moral strength to resist the baseness and meanness of Strekocha, who broke her life, she hung herself ...

I think, tears, cries, abuse, suicide will not solve the problem of fighting against baseness and meanness.


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