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The teacher of my dreams (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Teachers are very different. In our school there are boring teachers, conducting a lesson uninteresting, without a spark, just to make it quieter, without tension. There are teachers who are nervous, who like to raise their voices on the slightest occasion, or even without reason. Also there are demanding inordinately, those who want to achieve from the students encyclopedic accuracy. I do not like all these types of teachers, I believe that they should not be in school.

The teacher of my dreams must, first of all, be devoted to his profession, he must be active, positive and well aware of his subject, one might say, in love with him. Not sitting at the table and mumbling something under his nose, but he can interestingly tell the topic of the lesson so that it will be remembered so that it does not have to be memorized.

He should teach a lesson, communicate with all students, take an interest in their opinion, constantly contact them.

Also, he must be creative, constantly invent something new, so that lessons can be varied. In addition, we should not forget about new inventions, technical innovations, various techniques that are constantly coming up and inventing to help students.

But of course, it should not be very soft, or the disciples will quickly sit on his neck, he must be moderately demanding, otherwise they simply will not cook anything at home.

Fortunately, in our school there are several such teachers that fit my requirements, and I can safely call them - the teacher of my dreams.


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