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Fast food (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Fast food is a favorite and very tasty food, but, at the same time, is one of the most harmful. Translated from English translates as "fast food". Basically, cooking is done using harmful ingredients such as fat, oil, salt.

Despite the fact that such dishes as pies or pancakes belong to fast food, most people fast food is associated with such dishes as hamburger, sandwich, hot dog, cheeseburger, French fries and others. Also, it can include pizza and shavermu (shawarma).

Now, practically, fast food is served in all restaurants, but again, if you ask an ordinary person which restaurants pop up in his head at the word fast food, he will respond moderately - McDonald's, Sabway, CFS, Burger King, e.

I will not hide, I like this food, and I'm happy to go to such institutions to have a snack.

I believe that if you do not get carried away with this food, do not gain a lot with each order, then nothing terrible will happen. All fast food restaurants also try to make their food more healthy, for example, they introduce salads into the menu, reduce the calorie content of dishes.Fast food is a favorite and very tasty food, but, at the same time, is one of the most harmful. Translated from English translates as "fast food". Basically, cooking is done using harmful ingredients such as fat, oil, salt.

Despite the fact that such dishes as pies or pancakes belong to fast food, most people fast food is associated with such dishes as hamburger, sandwich, hot dog, cheeseburger, French fries and others. Also, it can include pizza and shavermu (shawarma).

Now, practically, fast food is served in all restaurants, but again, if you ask an ordinary person which restaurants pop up in his head at the word fast food, he will respond moderately - McDonald's, Sabway, CFS, Burger King, e.

I will not hide, I like this food, and I'm happy to go to such institutions to have a snack. I believe that if you do not get carried away with this food, do not gain a lot with each order, then nothing terrible will happen. All fast food restaurants also try to make their food more healthy, for example, they introduce salads into the menu, reduce the calorie content of dishes.


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