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What does it mean to be a good son (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

I believe that if parents love their child something bad, it can not be for them, first of all, because the concepts of good and evil are relative. For example, in some wild tribe, to kill an enemy from another tribe and decorate his home with his skull is very honorable. Undoubtedly, the mother of that warrior will be proud of the success of his son, although in our society murder is considered not only a terrible act, but also an illegal act.

No matter whether you are a son or a daughter, a "bad" or "good" person, if a parent loves you, you will always remain for him and be loved. Of course, he will convince you of what you are right about, and what is not. He will hug and quarrel with you. Therefore, if your parents love you, no matter what kind of person you are, the main thing is to support your parents in a difficult moment, if possible, do not let them worry about themselves, that is, give them the same good as they give you.I believe that if parents love their child something bad, it can not be for them, first of all, because the concepts of good and evil are relative.

For example, in some wild tribe, to kill an enemy from another tribe and decorate his home with his skull is very honorable. Undoubtedly, the mother of that warrior will be proud of the success of his son, although in our society murder is considered not only a terrible act, but also an illegal act.

No matter whether you are a son or a daughter, a "bad" or "good" person, if a parent loves you, you will always remain for him and be loved. Of course, he will convince you of what you are right about, and what is not. He will hug and quarrel with you. Therefore, if your parents love you, no matter what kind of person you are, the main thing is to support your parents in a difficult moment, if possible, do not let them worry about themselves, that is, give them the same good as they give you.


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