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F. Hayek (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)I agree with the author of this statement. One of the main principles of a market economy is competition. It is she who motivates enterprises to produce better and cheaper products. Free competition implies freedom of decision-making. Having obtained freedom of action, a person stands up for the "helm" of his case. Only on it depends the success of business. No one can prevent him from achieving it. As an example, I can cite the campaign "Apple". At that time there were already IT campaigns. Thus, the "epl" created competition. Since the campaign originated in the US, they had freedom of action, because in this country they do not interfere in business. Steve Jobs, the founder of the campaign, took the lead in his own hands. Soon this man has achieved great success in business, and his "iPhones" are still in great demand. Thus, the competitive system without outside interference allows you to achieve your goals. The words of F. Hayek are indeed true. "Competitive system is the only one where a person depends only on himself, and not on the mercy of the powerful of this world, and where no one can interfere with his attempts to reach his goal, " said Austrian economist and philosopher F. Hayek. I agree with the author of this statement. One of the main principles of a market economy is competition. It is she who motivates enterprises to produce better and cheaper products. Free competition implies freedom of decision-making. Having obtained freedom of action, a person stands up for the "helm" of his case. Only on it depends the success of business. No one can prevent him from achieving it. As an example, I can cite the campaign "Apple". At that time there were already IT campaigns. Thus, the "epl" created competition. Since the campaign originated in the US, they had freedom of action, because in this country they do not interfere in business. Steve Jobs, the founder of the campaign, took the lead in his own hands. Soon this man has achieved great success in business, and his "iPhones" are still in great demand. Thus, the competitive system without outside interference allows you to achieve your goals. The words of F. Hayek are indeed true. Обновлено: Опубликовал(а): Трифонов Егор Внимание! Спасибо за внимание. |