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What are the advantages and disadvantages of using CCTV cameras to fight crime? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

One evident benefit of installing security cameras is the prevention of minor crimes. The number of offences, such as pocketing and stealing, will reduce significantly. For instance, in Singapore the crime rate decreased considerably after surveillance cameras had been set. Another advantage of using CCTV cameras is providing the evidence. It will be seen on cameras who exactly committed the crime. For example, in France the number of solved offences increased due to the use of security cameras. Thus, it is clear why implementing CCTV cameras is an efficient way to fight crimes.

On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of using surveillance cameras. Firstly, such devices often have very poor shooting quality.

In other words, even if a criminal gets caught on camera, it is almost impossible to identify him. In fact, according to the statistics, 20 percent of criminals remain at large due to the poor quality of CCTV cameras. Secondly, implementing security cameras in all public places is very costly for the state. It means that a lot of money from the state budget will be spent just to install these cameras. So, countries with a low level of taxation, such as Russia and Ukraine, simply will not be able to afford it. Thus, it is easy to see why using CCTV cameras to minimise the number of crimes can have several drawbacks.

In conclusion, there are clearly both positives and negatives to using surveillance cameras as a measure to prevent offences. While installing such cameras can reduce the crime rate and provide appropriate evidence, it also can be of poor quality and expensive. Therefore it is important to assess both sides carefully before taking this crucial step.


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