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In order to improve a country’s education system, young students should be allowed to openly criticize their teachers during class time. What is your opinion? What are some other ways education systems could be improved? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

In today’s world, the studying process is becoming more developed and sophisticated. Many hold the view that minors should be permitted to confront educators during lessons. This essay will support this opinion and suggest alternative measures that could resolve the problem.

There is no doubt that, while talking about a controversial issue, the viewpoint that is held by the lecturer may differ from the student’s opinion.

In other words, learners can disagree with the tutor and express dissimilar points of view. For instance, in some European countries it is even encouraged if a teenager is able to criticize the teacher and provide his opinion with the relevant argumentation. Therefore, it can be concluded that letting adolescents confront the educators should not be forbidden, as it can help them to reflect ideas properly and develop their thinking.

Another useful measure that can enhance the studying process is allowing children to debate with each other. So, they can listen to different viewpoints and formulate their own, and that will be helpful in the future life. For example, some schools in

ussia already have such interactions between pupils. Another possible solution could be implementing discussion lessons into the curriculum on a regular basis. Therefore, there will be a certain time when learners can speculate on a specific topic and oppose their mentors. Thus, the further development of such actions will develop the education system.


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