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My favourite holiday (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

There are a lot of different holidays, but my favorite one is the New Year. First of all, the New Year holidays last a very long time. There is enough time to rest, relax, recuperate and be filled with energy. You can also evaluate your progress and make new plans and a to-do list for the upcoming year. And finally, this is a good opportunity to fully enjoy the holiday, without rushing anywhere. For example, a birthday passes very quickly. It seems that the holiday has just begun and now it is coming to the end. Things are different in the New Year.

Secondly, in my opinion, the New Year's atmosphere is very special and unique. It is so magical, wonderful and fabulous! I feel like I'm going back to my childhood and starting to believe in miracles again as a little kid.

Ordinary familiar streets and houses acquire a completely different image. Everything is covered with snow. All the shops are decorated with garlands, colorful lanterns, white and blue patterns and snowflakes. All rooms in the apartment are also decorated. Christmas trees, toys, sweets and tangerines are sold everywhere. Passersby rush home with gifts lying in huge bags or small boxes covered with gift wrapping and bows.

Last but not least, such a holiday as the New Year brings the whole our family together. I am crazy about the fact that all my loved ones from different parts of the country come to our house. Sometimes even relatives from other countries visit us. Everyone tells the latest events from their lives, discusses the news, gives good advice, congratulates each other, shares plans for the future, jokes and laughs or just watches traditional movies. My favorites one, by the way, are "Wizards" and "The Irony of Fate". We also have a tradition of having a costume party. Everyone turns into snowmen, Santa Clauses, snow maidens and so on. Those who don't wear a carnival costume still take caps or hats, wrap themselves in tinsel and light sparklers.

Well, is it possible not to love this wonderful holiday?


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