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38. Music, enter the University (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Everyone loves to listen music. The aim of the project I am currently working on is to find out why teenagers in Zetland choose to listen to music. As a part of my project, I have found a table with some data on the subject which I’m going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, slightly more than one third listen to music to relax, making it the most popular thing among surveyed in Zetland. It’s also worth mentioning that some of the youth consider songs as the best way to get to sleep (6%).

The table also shows that there are nearly a fifth believe that music can help them pass the time (17%).

This reason is 20 percent less than adult who relax. This is due to the fact that teenagers are very busy nowadays, so they don’t have free time.

In my opinion, is the statistics in the table reveal an important problem. 18% of the adults listen to music to help them concentrate while studying. I disagree with this statement, because music distracts rather than concentrates. To solve this problem, young generation shouldn’t listen to music due to studies or listen it with out any words in the song.

In my opinion, music plays an important part in our life. Teenagers can’t imagine their life without music. It helps to recreate, it gives o lot of new emotions and inspiration.

The aim of the project I am currently working on is to explore why young people in Zetland want to enter the university. As part of my project, I have found a table with some data on the subject, which I am going to analyse.

As can be seen from the table, 38 per cent of the respondents want to enter the university in order to have an opportunity to get a well-paid job, making it the most popular reason. It is also worth mentioning, that slightly more than 20% of young generation want it to learn new skills (22%). Carry out scientific research is the least popular way to enter the university, at 9%.

The table also shows that find new friends is twice as popular as carry out scientific research (18% and 9% respectively). It can be seen that having new friend makes it easier for a person to live in society.

One problem that can arise with enter the university, that it takes a lot of effort, time and a great desire to learn. To solve this problem youth should work hard and pay more attention to study.

In conclusion, I believe that a person with a higher education has a better life. People enter the university in order to have a well-paid job in the future to provide for their lives.


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