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Hard work compensates for the lack of talent (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Hard work and effort can compensate for the lack of talent and natural potential in a person. However, talent alone is not enough to succeed in this world and without hard work and consistent effort no one can reach success and fulfillment. Hard work is needed to develop one's talent and nurture it so it can reach high levels. A person should try to identify their natural talent, and learn and study as to how they can use their talent to their advantage. Hard work is not only essential for success, but it is also essential for growth and development as an individual.

In the era of modern technologies, many people believe that natural talent is all that is needed to succeed. However, this is not entirely true. Hard work and effort have become extremely important for one's success in this competitive and changing world.

As people focus on developing and using their natural abilities, they often neglect the importance of hard work and effort. However, hard work is the key that helps people unlock their hidden potentials and reach their full potential.

By working hard people are able to overcome difficulties, and find ways to innovate.

It is important to understand that hard work requires dedication and commitment. Hard work is not an easy task, as it can be time-consuming, difficult, and tiring. It requires patience, persistence, and effort, so one can see results. However, the reward for all of that hard work and effort is immense. Through hard work, people are able to reach their life goals, and become successful and happy in their life. Hard work not only compensates for the lack of talent, but it also allows people to reach their full potential and make their dreams and passions come true.

Hard work is just as important as natural talent, if not more so. Although natural talent can be helpful and even give an individual an edge over others, it is the time and effort that a person put into his work that allows him to succeed. Hard work and effort are essential to making one's natural talents shine and reach success. With determination and dedication, one can achieve his goals and reach full potential, making hard work the foundation for any achievement in life. The combination of talent and hard work creates a powerful engine that makes success and fulfillment possible.


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