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Which season would you recommend for the trip? What places are worth seeing in Russia? What country would you like to visit, why? (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)



It was great to hear from you and I'm so glad to know that you started learning

ussian! I would recommend visiting

ussia in the summer or autumn, as the weather is usually very pleasant during these seasons. There are so many wonderful places to see in

ussia, depending on your interests. If you like history and culture, St. Petersburg and Moscow are definitely worth visiting, with their magnificent palaces, museums and theaters. If you prefer nature and outdoor activities, the Altai Mountains or

aikal Lake would be perfect. As for me, I really want to visit Japan one day, as I'm fascinated by its unique culture and traditions. What about you? What country are you interested in and why?

I hope you keep up with your

ussian studies and come to

ussia soon!

est regards,

Your name



Thank you for your email. It’s great to hear that you’ve started learning


It is a challenging language, but I’m sure you will do well with practice. If you plan a trip to

ussia to practice, I would recommend visiting during the summer or early autumn seasons for pleasant weather and long daylight hours.

There are so many wonderful places to see in

ussia, but some of my personal favorites include St. Petersburg, Moscow, and the Lake

aikal region. St. Petersburg and Moscow are both rich in history and culture, with many museums, cathedrals, and palaces to explore. Lake

aikal is simply stunning with its crystal clear waters and beautiful scenery.

egarding your last question, I would love to visit Japan one day. I am fascinated by the unique blend of ancient and modern culture, and I have heard so much about the beautiful temples, gardens, and food. What about you?

Hope to hear from you soon.

est regards,

Your name



It’s great to hear that you’ve started learning

ussian! As you mentioned, it’s a difficult language but don’t worry, with practice you’ll get the hang of it. And coming to

ussia is certainly a great way to practice.

In regards to your question about which season to visit, I would recommend summer or early autumn. This is because the weather is generally more pleasant, and there are many outdoor festivals and events happening during this time. As for places to visit, Moscow and St. Petersburg are must-see destinations with their rich history and beautiful architecture.

ut I also recommend visiting the smaller towns and villages in the countryside, as they have their own unique charm and traditions.

Lastly, regarding the country I would like to visit, it would be Japan. I have always been fascinated by their culture, food, and technology. I hope to have the opportunity to experience it firsthand someday.

Hope this helps! Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

est regards,

Your Name


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