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Letter to a Friend about Holiday (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Saint Petersburg



Hi Sophie!

Thank you for your letter and I will be glad to reply to your letter. It was great to hear from you. I was worried because you didn't write to me for a long time. I am very sorry about not replying to your letter sooner but I’ve been extremely busy.

I am really happy that you had a great holiday. Vietnam is a warmer country than Russia. Spring has started here now, and it is getting warmer. The snow melts outside and icicles appear. A lot of puddles appear. Of the Joyful moments, it is worth noting that birds have begun to arrive and we often hear them singing. Young green grass is already beginning to appear.

I think you like winter better. First of all, you do not like living in a lot climate.

Secondly, you like the feeling when the wind blows. Third, you like photos of show. It would suit you to live in Russia. I am really looking forward to when you come to visit.

As for my studies, I am going welI. I only get two “B” in chemistry and math. They are studied at an angular level, so they are difficult for me. In the rest of the school sublets, I get “A”. How are you doing with your studies ? I am also very interested in finding out, I hope you will not have any problems.

Well, I had better go now. I need to prepare for a lesson with a math tutor. If you want to know anything else, just email me, I will be really waiting.

With love, yours, Kristina.


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