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Почему я изучаю иностранный язык? (Сочинение на свободную тему)

The topic of this essay is relevant at the present time, because in the current uncertainty of the future, not only in our country, but all over the world, knowledge of a foreign language is an invaluable advantage. I am deeply convinced that learning foreign languages is not only useful for self-development, but also for my future in general.

First of all, in my opinion, learning a language broadens person’s horizons. As the French writer and publicist Edmond Abu said, with whose statement I completely agree: "The history of civilization can be expressed in six words: the more you know, the more you can. " Knowledge is never superfluous it can be a foreign language, mathematics, biology, astronomy, etc. Erudition has always been valued in society, people with a large stock of knowledge are more likely to be successful in life and it is more interesting to communicate with them. In addition, it is never possible to guess what knowledge may be useful in the future, so it is better to study everything, including foreign languages.

Moreover, knowledge of one foreign language facilitates well the study of other languages. Knowing a language like English helps me learn French more easily and quickly because their vocabulary is very similar. This can be traced in many words, for example: Gallery – Galerie, Irony – Ironie, Jubilee - Jubil, Navy – Navie, Purify – Purifier, Utensil – Utensile, Valid – Valide. Even if such knowledge is not useful to me in the future when building a career, in any case, I can use it to attract someone's attention when necessary.

Secondly, knowledge of a foreign language, especially English, allows a person to comfortably communicate with people from other countries. It is relevant for the USA, Australia and other countries, as well as for Europe. Although many EU countries use their own unique languages, English is still considered international. Moreover, knowledge of a language such as Chinese opens up the possibility of communicating with almost a fifth of the population of our planet. Man is a biosocial being, each of us needs communication because it can give pleasure. And when there is an opportunity to communicate with a variety of people from all over the world, it makes no sense to deprive yourself of this.

From the above fact follows the assertion that knowledge of various foreign languages allows you to travel the world more freely and learn the culture of other countries. The world is huge and full of interesting things such as miracles created by the forces of nature, or unusual objects which were done by people. Traveling around the world also contributes to the study of history, biology, geography. You can learn a lot about the life of people of other cultures, their customs and traditions. This occupation not only erases the boundaries between people, but also promotes tolerance, which is very important for modern realities. Travelling, after all gives a lot of colorful impressions and experience. And most importantly, all this is impossible without knowledge of a foreign language.

All things considered, though, it seems to me that knowledge of foreign languages is useful not only for a particular individual, but also for society in general. That is why I pay special attention to learning and improving the skills of speaking and writing in two languages.


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