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A true friend, a priceless treasure (Школьные сочинения)

How often do you think about what a true friend is and can you boast of having one? There is no living happily without having a friend, friendship is vital for us, and the necessity of having a friend can come in diverse forms: some people appreciate friends for their support and respect they can give, while others are looking for a friend who can listen attentively and offer a shoulder to cry on a blue day

As for me, I can be proud of my best friend, for he possesses all these personal qualities I am fond of. We maintain contact though study in different universities. We will never forget the day when our school was holding disco, and he, shy and desperate, came up to me for the first time and asked about a girl from my class. He was hesitating and could not ask her to dance, and he will definitely remember my words: «Stop being a wet blanket, come and invite her!»/ Of particular interest is the fact, that many years have passed and he still cannot realize why he chose me, I believe it was fate to decide who could come into my life.

There are some remarkable features of him. For instance, he will always support me whatever happens. I appreciate this quality, as I can be sure he will be on my side no matter if I am wrong. I liked the way someone described this feeling perfectly: “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you. ”

Besides, I wish I had his brilliant sense of humor! Under any circumstances he would have that broad smile on his face, speaking nothing of these crazy jokes he makes.

They often helped to come through thick and thin times in my life!

In conclusion, I would like to say it was my fortune to meet my friend. There are thousands of miles between us but I can feel this invisible thread connecting us. I hope we will remain close forever.


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