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Museums, parks and sights of london (Школьные сочинения)

The fact is, the British capital is packed with places to visit and sights to see. Without doubt, you mustn’t leave London without visiting its museums.

First of all, I recommend you to visit the Natural History Museum which deals with past and existing animals and plant life. You are likely to feel excited when observing immense models and skeletons of many prehistoric monsters. Moreover, it’ll give you a lot of pleasure to see actual specimens of meteorites.

Besides, you are likely to see crowds of tourists, attracted by its magnificent collection of fine and applied arts in the Victoria and Albert Museum. Moreover, it’s worth seeing its display of ceramics, metalwork and a selection of Constable’s masterpieces.

I’d like to say a word or two for the Science Museum.

It is the museum attracting not only the general public but professional scientists as well because the visitors there are given the opportunity of experimenting with real working models. The Museum presents the discovery and development of such inventions as the steam engine, photography, glassmaking. I must point out, it’s just a paradise for children, because they are given an opportunity of touching practically everything.

One more museum which is worth your attention is the Museum of London where you can learn about the biography of the British capital, from its founding by Romans to the Greater London of today.

And, of course, tourists enjoy visiting the British Museum which is known to be the biggest museum in London. You must see its priceless collection of coins, manuscripts, sculptures and so on.

You are likely to see a great number of tourists exploring Hyde Park, also called a National Park or The Park. It gained a reputation of the largest park in the capital. Every Sunday lots of Londoners enjoy sitting on the grass and listening to music there. Moreover, it's Hyde park where the Serpentine Canal can be found. Needless to say that it's a beautiful place for swimming and bathing as well.

By the way, if you enjoy riding on horseback, you must visit Rotten Bow, but it must be pointed out that it's rather expensive pleasure.

Moreover, there is a corner you are unlikely to find anywhere else in the world. That is Speaker’s Corner, where people can make a long and enthusiastic speeches and air their views to anyone who will listen. It is the only place in Britain where all kinds of opinions live peacefully side by side, because nobody minds them.

Beyond Hyde park lies another royal park, Kensington Gardens where you can see a lot of children, attracted by beautiful statue of Peter Pan, or sailing their model boats on the Round Pond. Of particular interest is the fact, that nowadays Hyde Park And Kensington Gardens form one single park.

I can't help mentioning Regent's Park, which is famous for its zoo and open-air theatre.

Besides, if you take a trip along Regent's Canal in a waterbus, you are certain to see London Little Venice, which is believed to be an area where only rich people live, as the land there is very expensive/

What about London's greatest sights to see?

To begin with, I'd like to say a word or two for the Tower. Undoubtedly, it comes first among the historic buildings of the capital, and that's why tourists from home and abroad are recommended to start sightseeing from the Tower. It is associated with many important events in the British history. It was founded by Julius Caesar for the purpose of guarding the Thames approaches, however it was rebuilt by William the Conqueror. In the past it was used as a fortress, a royal residence, an observatory and a prison as well. The oldest part of the Tower is the White Tower, also known as Bloody Tower, it's called so because a great number of nobles, who had quarreled with their sovereign left it only to walk to the headsman's block.

But in present days the Tower is known to be a museum, where you can find an extensive collection of armour, illustrating the development of weapons and uniforms in Europe until the First World War.

Besides, the Crown Jewels are kept there.

By hey way, while exploring the Tower, you are likely to hear the legend, saying that the Tower will continue to stand as long as the 6 ravens live in its walls, that's why these birds are lovingly tendered, but their wings are cut.

The second sight of London you should visit, especially if you are interested in churches, is Westminster Abbey. It is known to be a place of worship and prayer, a final resting place of many outstanding statesmen, painters, musicians and poets. The most sacred place there is Chapel of St. Edward the Confessor, who spent about 40 years to build the Abbey. Moreover, it's the place where practically all English Kings and Queens were crowned, and nowadays coronations and

oyal Weddings also take place in the Abbey.

esides, Westminster Abbey is famous for its Poets' Corner, where there are the memorials of the major English poets and writers, such as William Shakespeare, George

yron and Charles Dickens


When in London, don't forget to visit St. Paul’s Cathedral, the greatest of English churches. It was built by a famous architect Sir Christopher Wren, and it's considered to be a fine specimen of renaissance architecture. In one of its towers you are likely to find one of the largest bells in the world, Great Paul weighting about 17, 5 tons. The important fact about St. Paul's Cathedral is that outstanding men, such as Wellington and Nelson were buried there.


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