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Imaginе that you arе doing a projеct on what pieces of classical music people in Zetland can recognize when they hear them (Сочинения ЕГЭ английский язык)

Письменная часть. Раздел 4. Письменная речь. Задание 40

Classical music is considered to be the foundation of music. It is therefore interesting to know how well people are familiar with it. I am currently working on a project aimed at establishing what pieces of classical music people in Zetland can recognise when they hear them. I have found a diagram with some relevant data on the issue and am ready to comment on that information.

The diagram enables us to identify the following key statistical features. First, the most recognisable piece of classical music is «Für Elise» by Beethoven, which is known to 36% of the respondents.

Second, «Clair de Lune» is at the bottom of the rating with only 2%.

Deserving attention are also the uneven percentage gaps between the pieces of classical music adjacent in the rating. For example, «Wedding March» by Mendelssohn (28%) is almost equal in popularity to «Ode to Joy» by

eethoven (30%) while being 7 times more popular than «Flight of the Bumblebee» by Rimsky-Korsakov, which is recognised by as few as 4% of the pollees.

However promising some of the aforementioned figures may seem, there is a serious problem connected with classical music. The matter is that most young people find it boring and never listen to it. This may result in classical music gradually becoming forgotten and lost as a part of culture. A possible solution consists in promoting classical music in the media alongside with various popular songs.

To conclude, I think that classical music plays an important role in our life. Classical music calms us down, gives us food for thought and lets us travel back in time in our mind.

273 слова


foundation – основа

therefore – поэтому

to identify – выявить, обозначить

uneven – неравномерный, скачкообразный

adjacent – соседний, смежный, примыкающий

a pollee – респондент, опрашиваемое лицо, участник опроса

promising – многообещающий, позитивный, оптимистичный

aforementioned – вышеупомянутый

figures – числа, числовые данные

gradually – постепенно

to promote – продвигать, пропагандировать

alongside with – наряду с, вместе с


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