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The issue of technology is relevant nowadays but still it is rather controversial. Some people state that technology has too much influence on people’s life. Others claim that technology does not have such a great impact on people.

I am inclined to believe that people have become influenced by technology too much. To begin with, nowadays the Internet plays an important role in our lives as people find social media such as Instagram and WhatsApp the most convenient way of chatting with family and friends and for this reason have a lack of face-to-face communication. Another argument is that people’s minds have become weaker as people frequently use their devices and the Internet to find a solution to their problem instead of thinking for themselves.

However, some people tend to believe that people have not become too dependent on technology. As they see it, technology only makes people’s lives easier and more convenient.

For instance, nowaday people have an opportunity to pay all their bills and transfer money just in two clicks using bank accounts on their phones or computers instead of staying in long queues and waiting.

I cannot agree with the idea above. My opponents fail to understand that modern technologies keep personal data about us and bank accounts. Every day there are lots of attacks on our phones by hackers who try to find more information about a particular person and steal his/her money. Consequently, our lives are influenced by technology too much.

All in all, there are two points of view on the issue of technology. I am strongly convinced that people have become too dependent on technology.


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